Add Wings to your performance

Getting up early and doing exercise everyday will keep us healthy. Many people know this but very few are able to do. Knowledge backed up with PERFORMANCE leads to SUCCESS. This training will help to you to enhance your performance.

Leadership Training

Knowing the way, going the way and showing the way make you an effective leader. This training will help to polish your leadership skills together with maintaining your happiness & motivation.

Senior Management Training

How effectively & happily you climb the ladder of success depends upon your management skills. Polish your management skills through this training.

Time Management

Time is the precious resource which is gifted equally to everyone by nature. Investing right amount of time on right things makes your life successful & happy. This training will help you to prioritise and invest time wisely.

Work Life Balance

A fulfilling & happy life enhances your work satisfaction many folds. This training will help you to strike the right balance to reap exponential benefits of success & happiness.

Know Yourself

Your UNIQUENESS is your personality. This training helps you to identify your unique personality type and accordingly choose the right path towards success, relationship and happiness.

Develop Positive Habits

Positive habits make you successful & happy whereas negative habits makes you fearful & lethargic. New habits can be imbibed and old habits can be modified. This training helps you to imbibe & modify your habits and you can experience new heights of success & happiness in your life.

Confidence Building

Confidence helps you to win the battle even before you have started it. This training helps you to build confidence and then you can excel in whatever you do in your life.

Taking the Right Decisions

The future will validate if it was a right decision. You can only make your decision right. This training will help you to take decisions and make them right.

Implement Decisions With conviction

Decisions followed by Right Action leads to SUCCESS; else Depression. This training shall take you through the process of implementing the decision within the right time frame leading you to a life full of success & happiness.

Communication Skills

Communication connects us with others. Listen with passion and speak with compassion is the key to healthy communication. This training will help you to polish your verbal & non verbal communication skills thereby helping you to improve your relations with family, friends and at workplace.

Setting SMART Goals

The life becomes meaningful if it is full of success & happiness. Setting the smart goal is the first step to achieve success & happiness. This training will help you to set your goals accordingly.

Conflict Management

Difference of opinion create conflicts. If you view them as contradictory, it is bound to spoil the relationships. If you view them as complementary, it will enhance success & happiness in life. This training will help you to handle differences in complementary manner to take you on the path of success & happiness.

Law of Attraction

Time is the precious resource which is gifted equally to everyone by nature. Investing right amount of time on right things makes your life successful & happy. This training will help you to prioritise and invest time wisely.

Emotional Intelligence

Even average IQ people become successful if they have high EQ. This training helps you to manage your emotions and transform negative emotions into positive ones; then success & happiness is bound to increase in your life.

Interpersonal Skills

The secret to success is to respect the differences in others; to have the ability to see the world through others lens, together with your own. This training will help you to understand others point of view and derive a harmony among the difference.

Team Building & Management

Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. Simple rule in teamwork is 1+1>2. This training will help you to make cohesive team and shall take you through the forming, storming, norming & performing stages of team building.

Business Etiquette

Behaving little better than requirement is etiquette. This training shall help you to understand the desired behavior at business and imbibe in your habit.

Problem Solving skills

Problems are not stop signs, they are the guidelines. This training shall help you to change your perspective to view situations at problems. It will also help you to develop the skills to come out of them.

Stress Management

Stress is our response to external happenings. External happenings are not in our control but we can surely improve the way we respond. Stress increases our learning, makes us more mature & prepares us to face bigger challenges in future. This training will help you to understand and distress.

Anger Management

Manifestation of unpleasentness is Anger. If the unpleasentness is not manifested it produces psychosomatic disease and if manifested, spoils relations. This training will help you to learn the techniques to manifest the unpleasentness in a manner that does not spoil the relations and saves you from psychosomatic diseases.

Sharpen your intelligence - For Knowledge

Knowledge is having the right ANSWER and Intelligence is asking the right QUESTION. The first step to success is to to acquire right knowledge. This training will help you to sharpen your intelligence so that you gather the right knowledge from the available data.

Sharpen your intelligence - For Wisdom

Knowledge comes from LEARNING and Wisdom comes from LIVING. Wisdom takes you to success & happiness. This training will help you to transform your learning to living to get success & happiness in life.

Power of implementation

“I wish I could implement what I know, I would have been on the top of the world”. I know anger is bad but still not able to control it. This training will help you in implementation; then success & happiness are bound to be there in your life.

Power of Positive Thinking

We can COMPLAIN because rose bushes have thorns, or REJOICE because thorns have roses. Your thoughts become your achievements. This training will help you to make your thinking more and more positive to attract success & happiness in your life.

Believe to Conceive to Achieve

If you believe what you conceive, you can surely achieve. This training will take you through the process and help you to get rid or any negative feelings or fears which weakens your belief and reduces the probability of achieve.

The Right Paradigm

If we can see things in their right perspective, nothing can make us unhappy. This training will help you to clear your lens before you see the world thereby helping you to remain happy in your life.

Taking Initiatives

Taking initiatives means having the attitude to act or take charge before others do. This is one of the essential skills that takes you to success. This training will help you to develop this attitude so that you become successful.

Prepare for Happy & Healthy Old Age

Old age is the most difficult phase of life as we start facing challenges on physical, emotional and social fronts. With a little timely planning, this old age can be made the most cherishing experience of life. This training will help you to plan your old age, while you are still working, to make it a most cherishing & fulfilling experience of life.

Santarash - The Art of Parenting

It is easier to build up a child than to repair an adult. The work of a parent is similar to that of a sculptures (Santarash) who chisels the extra material out with love and caring and creates a beautiful sculpture. This training will help you to learn the sculpturing art of parenting where chiseling is done with utmost love & care to create a beautiful adult.

Mere Humsafar - The Art of Happy Married Life

It is a mystery that when, how and why “I LOVE YOU” gets converted to “IT’S OVER”. This transition is very painful. This training will help you to improve your relations and become a perfect couple. Only when you are happy at your family front, you can contribute your best at your office and become successful & happy.

Yoga for Success, Health & Happiness

Patanjali has divided yoga into 8 limbs (Ashtangik Yog). Each limb guides the techniques of wellness starting from the external world to physical, mental & emotional health leading to meditation. This training will help you to understand the techniques to make you successful, healthy and happy.

It is possible to be happy ALWAYS

Meditation for Success, Health & Happiness

Meditation is an art of switching off your mind without intoxication. Once you learn this art you will be away from stress, anxiety & depressing and your life will be full of success, health & happiness.

Meditation Techniques

Covers practical meditation techniques for the present generation to help switch off your mind and experience peace, relaxation & happiness.

Anxiety & Depression Management

Anxiety & depression are the biggest challenges of today. This training will help you to understand the reasons and the techniques to get rid of them, leading a life full of success & Happiness.

Interdependence for Success & Happiness

Performance of every department depends on other departments; performance of every employee depends on other employees. Interdependence is the key to success & happiness. This training will help you to understand the importance of interdependence & the techniques to practice it for your own success & happiness.

Project Management

Supply Chain Management

Vendor Selection & Management

Negotiation Skills