Hello Friends,

Anger, no doubt, is a negative & harmful emotion but also has some GOOD attached to it. Therefore, I say Anger is a Necessary Evil.

Before I proceed further, I would like to highlight that:

Anger is a necessary evil” only for those who have no experience of Spirituality or Meditation. Once you practice meditation, you would experience that Anger transforms into Empathy, Compassion & love.

An example, to understand, is Jesus, who could forgive even those who were crucifying him. It is the sublimated anger which had transformed into love & compassion through the process of meditation.

You may find numerous other examples in the history who could not only forgive but also shower their blessings on their enemies.

What is Anger?

Definition from the Dictionary

A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

My understanding about Anger is slightly different

What I learnt from my Masters and experiences of my life; both direct & as a Counselor, is little different.

Anger is not the annoyance, displeasure or hostility but the Manifestation or expression or venting out of Displeasure or Annoyance.

On every incidence of annoyance or displeasure, we are not in a position to manifest.

Imagine, if this displeasure is due to your boss or parents or elders or someone who is stronger / powerful than you & you are sure, that the moment you ever try to manifest your displeasure, he can harm you.

In such a situation you are not Angry but you will have other emotions like grief, misery or unhappiness.

You are Angry when you are senior, elder, powerful or somehow in a dominating position. And in the opposite situation, you are not Angry but in Grief.

Both Anger & Grief are different emotions; have different effects & aftereffects; and both require different Behavior Therapies for treatment.

Why I say that Anger is a Necessary Evil?


Every emotion or feeling generates energy and so does annoyance or displeasure or unhappiness. If you are not able to express these negative emotions, the energy produced due to them will remain in the body and become a cause of various Psychosomatic diseases like lack of sleep, anxiety, depression, indigestion and so on.

You might be surprised to know that around 90% of the diseases are Psychosomatic in nature i.e due to these negative emotions, which do not get an opportunity of venting out.

Therefore, I say that Anger is necessary or good, because it vents out the energy that is generated from the negative emotions; which otherwise would have caused various diseases or illness.

You would have seen a beauty, a glow, a luster on the face of a small child because he does not keep any annoyance or displeasure or any negative feeling with him. The moment he is annoyed, he immediately manifests on his parents or toys or pets, because he is not matured enough to understand and follow the norms of the society.

As he grows old, society neither allows him to laugh nor to cry at his own will. Now, he would have to follow the social norms even to laugh & to cry.

He learn not to manifest his displeasure, start to live a socially acceptable, normal life but starts developing psychosomatic diseases.


We all know very well why Anger is an evil; what are the bad effects & aftereffects of anger.

Our relations get spoiled, no body likes our company, we are left alone any many others.

Since you are aware, I think, not to discuss them in detail.

What is the best strategy to get rid of Anger?

Since Anger has both good & bad attached to it, the right strategy would be the one which has the following characteristics:

  1. There should be convenience of expression or manifestation of the negative energy that is generated due to annoyance or displeasure; so that we are saved from the psychosomatic diseases.
  2. This displeasure or annoyance should not be manifested on others so that our relations with our family & friends remain cordial.

Techniques of getting rid of Anger

Based on the above two requirements, there are various techniques available that practically help you to get rid of Anger and in a very positive manner.

Once you practice these techniques you would experience improvement in your health & also in your relations.

It is recommended that these techniques should be learnt & implemented as early as possible in life.

Attend “Anger Management” Training

Since it is not possible to explain the techniques hence I am not able to cover in the blog. They are practical techniques which can be learnt and practices.

So, we invite you to attend the Anger Management training. This training is very practical & interactive.

During the training you would learn various techniques to get rid of negative energy without spoiling your health & relations.

You may also recommend this training to your employees, children, friends and anyone you love.

Counseling Services

We also provide individual counseling services.

If you get too much angry or are in stress, anxiety or depression; you may call us today to book an appointment with our counselors.

Behavior Therapy

We also provide Behavior Therapies  to help you improve your behavior & develop positive habits.

Once your behavior improves, SUCCESS & HAPPINESS shall become an integral part of your life.

Other Training Programs

We have various other training for Corporate Employees & EntrepreneursCollege StudentsSchool Students & TeachersRelationship Training for Couples & ParentsHealth Management Training.

Mission of  Conquer The Success is help you become Successful together with Health, Happiness & Cordial Relations with family, friends & at workplace.

Any Queries or Suggestion

If you have any queries, please join our Discussion Forum and send us your query.

Wish you a very happy & successful life,

With best regard,

Dr. Pankaj Gupta

Conquer The Success 

+91 99537 99435